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Is there a way to add calm and happiness to our homes while improving our indoor air quality - you bet! Just add a few houseplants and you are on your way. Not only is keeping houseplants a great stress reliever, but seeing greenery in our environment has proven benefits to our mood and helps us remain calm and focused. And who couldn’t use a little of that!

Houseplants can be any plant that is adapted for growing indoors, but tropical plants that are native to warmer climates are the most common. Warm, stable, indoor environments prove to be the ideal environment for tropical plants to flourish. It can be almost guaranteed that while scrolling through Facebook or Instagram you will come across an image of someone’s beautiful and healthy-looking houseplants. Whether this is a garden centre advertising their products or a friend showing off their green thumb, there is no denying the popularity of these plants.

While houseplants seem to be the latest trend, the practice of growing plants indoors has been around for hundreds of years. Glasshouses and greenhouses were built in England and surrounding areas during the 17th century in order to grow and house exotic plants. Not long afterwards, people were growing these plants inside their homes as décor.

Plant care

There are many different types of houseplants, meaning that you will be able to find a plant that is suitable for you. Different plants have different levels of care. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned plant owner, it is important to choose a plant that you will be able to take care of! Some examples of houseplants that are easy to take care of and hard to kill include Monstera which isn’t too sensitive to light conditions and is somewhat drought tolerant. Another low maintenance plant is a Sanseviera (aka snake plant) which does well in all types of lighting and doesn’t require lots of water. I have one for my office!

Other plants to look into include the ZZ Plant, Spider Plant, Aloe, and Philodendron Heartleaf. If you are looking for more of a challenge, you can try caring for houseplants like Bonsai trees and Orchids. Bonsai trees require careful root pruning and shaping, while Orchids require bright light, weekly fertilization, and repotting.

Health benefits of houseplants

Not only do houseplants add a beautiful pop of green into your living spaces and add to the aesthetic value of your home, but they provide you with health benefits as well! Many houseplants are able to improve your indoor air quality by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. This helps create a fresh environment and take away harmful toxins.

Some of the best houseplants with air purifying qualities are Snake Plant, Dracena, Spider Plant, Peace Lily, English Ivy, and Golden Pothos. In addition to the air purifying benefits, having greenery in your indoor environment can also boost your mood! Studies have shown that seeing greenery helps us feel less stressed and more relaxed.

If you haven’t already, try growing houseplants in your indoor spaces, whether it is in your living room, bedroom, or office! Check out your local garden centres in order to find a plant that works for you and your space. This is a great way to support local businesses as well as gain access to plant specialists who may be able to give you guidance on how to care for your plant and deal with any issues that may arise.

A field guide to houseplants

Health benefits of houseplants

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